

(2024) Reinforcing feedbacks for sustainable implementation of rural drinking-water treatment technology. ACS ES&T Water. Laauwen M and Nowicki S. [view online] [download PDF]

(2023) Water chemistry poses health risks as reliance on groundwater increases: a systematic review of hydrogeochemistry research from Ethiopia and Kenya. Science of the Total Environment. Nowicki S, Birhanu B, Tanui F, Sule MN, Charles K, Olago D, and Kebede S. [view online] [download PDF]

(2022) Fear, efficacy, and environmental health risk reporting: complex responses to water quality test results in low-income communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Nowicki S, Bukachi S, Hoque S, Katuva J, Musyoka M, Sammy M, Mwaniki M, Omia D, Wambua F, and Charles, K. [view online] [download PDF]

(2021) The utility of Escherichia coli as a contamination indicator for rural drinking water: evidence from whole genome sequencing. PLoS ONE. Nowicki S, deLaurent ZR, de Villiers EP, Githinji G, and Charles KJ. [view online] [download PDF]

(2020) Including water quality monitoring in rural water services: why safe water requires challenging the quantity versus quality dichotomy. npj Clean Water. Nowicki S, Koehler J, and Charles KJ. [view online] [download PDF]

(2020) A framework for monitoring the safety of water services: from measurements to security. npj Clean Water. Charles KJ, Nowicki S, and Bartram JK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2019) Tryptophan-like fluorescence as a measure of microbial contamination risk in groundwater. Science of The Total Environment. Nowicki S, Lapworth DJ, Ward JST, Thomson P, and Charles K. [view online] [download PDF]

Book chapters

(2020) Water and Health: A Dynamic, Enduring Challenge. In: Water Science, Policy, and Management: A Global Challenge. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; p. 97–116. Charles KJ, Nowicki S, Thomson P, Bradley DJ. [view online] [download PDF]

(2020) Wastewater: From a Toxin to a Valuable Resource. In: Water Science, Policy, and Management: A Global Challenge. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.; p. 291–307. Johnstone DWM, Nowicki S, Narayan AS, Sinha R. [view online] [download PDF]

Working papers, briefs, and technical reports

(2024) Opportunities to advance water safety through regulation of rural water services. Discussion document: December 2023. University of Oxford, DWI, Eawag, Government of Bangladesh, Hysawa, Uptime Global, Wasreb, and WHO. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2023) Results-based funding for safe drinking water services: How a standard contract design with payment for results can accelerate safe drinking water services at scale. REACH working paper 13. University of Oxford and Uptime Global. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2023) SafePani: Improving drinking water safety for schools and healthcare centres in Khulna district, Bangladesh. Briefing note: January 2023. University of Oxford, Government of Bangladesh, UNICEF, and Hysawa. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2021) Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018-2019, Water Quality Thematic Report. icddr,b, UNICEF, University of Oxford and University of Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and UNICEF. [view online] [download PDF]

(2021) Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030. REACH Working Paper 12. RWSN and University of Oxford. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2021) Policy reform to deliver safely managed drinking water services for schools in rural Bangladesh. REACH Working Paper 11. University of Oxford and UNICEF. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2021) Delivering safely-managed water to schools in Kenya. REACH Working Paper 8. University of Oxford. Oxford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

(2018) Developing a Global Compendium on Water Quality Guidelines. IWRA, the French National Office of Water and Aquatic Environments, and the World Water Council. Online. [view online] [download PDF]

(2018) Assessing microbiological contamination in groundwater: Field note on using Tryptophan-like Fluorescence (TLF). British Geological Survey Open Report 18/042. Wallingford, UK. [view online] [download PDF]

Blog posts and online articles

(2022) Reacting to health hazards – how fear and empowerment influence water quality management. Global Water Forum. Nowicki S. [view online]

(2021) E. coli can thrive in the environment. Why should water managers care? Global Water Forum. Nowicki S. [view online]

(2020) Uncertainty and optimism: the impact of COVID-19 on the REACH community in Ethiopia, Kenya and the UK. REACH Blog. Grasham CF and Nowicki S. [view online]

(2020) Water security in times of crisis: how COVID-19 is impacting the rural poor in Bangladesh and Kenya. REACH Blog. Hoque SF and Nowicki S. [view online]

(2020) Rural water quality monitoring within reach: moving beyond the quantity vs. quality mindset. REACH Blog. Nowicki S. [view online]